Sunday, June 24, 2012

दोषी पति या पत्नी ?

जातिका के पति का जन्म दिनांक दो सितम्बर इक्यासी समय शाम के छ: बजे स्थान वाराणसी के पास,कुण्डली कुम्भ लगन की है लगनेश शनि अष्टम में है शनि ही व्ययेश है,शनि के साथ ही अष्टम में धनेश सुखेश पंचमेश नवमेश लाभेश गुरु शुक्र बुध भी है.यह पति की कुंडली है,अक्सर देखा जाता है कि जो भी ग्रह अष्टम मे जाता है अपनी औकात को जमीनी रखता है यानी वह या तो अन्दर ही अन्दर पनपता है या अन्दर ही अन्दर ही पनपने के बाद अपने को अन्दर ही समाप्त कर लेता है,उपाधि एक जमीनी कीडे चीटे जैसी मानी जाती है जो अपने भोजन को भी जमीन के नीचे से ही प्राप्त करता है अपने रहने के स्थान को भी जमीन के नीचे ही बनाता है अपनी विद्या भी जमीन के नीचे जैसे कामो के लिये प्राप्त करता है और उसे लाभ भी जमीनी कामो के द्वारा ही होता है वह अपने को जमीन के नीचे ही समाप्त कर लेता है जब कभी गोचर के ग्रहों के कारण ऊपर उभर कर आता है तो लोग कुछ समय के लिये उसे देखते है लेकिन कुछ समय बात वह लापता हो जाता है.जो जो ग्रह लगनेश के साथ होते है वह उसके पास नही रह पाते है,कारण बाहरी ग्रहों जैसे तृतीयेश और कार्येश मंगल छठे भाव मे है राहु उनका साथ दे रहा है कर्क राशि के होने के कारण उन्हे नीच का भी कहा जाता है,हिम्मत और कार्य वही होते है जो नीचे की श्रेणी से जुडे होते है,छठे भाव का मालिक चन्द्रमा जब नवे भाव मे चला जाता है तो कर्जा दुश्मनी बीमारी नौकरी करना और अपने को अपने ही ख्यालो मे रखना आदि सभी न्याय और धर्म के भाव मे चले जाते है और चन्द्रमा जो पूर्वजो के स्थान मे है के द्वारा यह भी मिलता है इस प्रकार के व्यक्ति के समाज मे यही होता है और इन्ही के कारण इनका परिवार आगे चलेगा तो केवल कर्जा दुश्मनी बीमारी और इसी प्रकार के कारणो से जुड कर ही चलेगा। सप्तमेश सूर्य सप्तम मे ही है,सूर्य के छठे भाव में होने से सूर्य का साथ राहु मंगल की शक्ति को लेकर दे रहा है,राहु की शक्ति से जो नीच के मंगल की शक्ति से पूर्ण है,जीवन साथी के लिये केवल चिन्ता ही देने का मालिक है,और जीवन साथी की यही चिन्ता का कारण या तो उसे अस्पताल ले जाने के लिये या किसी प्रकार के हादसे को जन्म देकर अपने जीवन की गति को समाप्त कर लेने से मानी जा सकती है। अगर जीवन साथी को आगे बढना है तो उसके लिये शनि जो फ़्रीज करने का कारण बनता है वह जीवन साथी के शुक्र यानी रूप और धन सम्पत्ति को भी फ़्रीज कर रहा है,बुध जो कानून और कमन्यूकेशन का कारण है को फ़्रीज कर रहा है,गुरु जो सम्बन्धो का भी मालिक है और आने वाली सन्तति का भी कारक को फ़्रीज कर रहा है। गुरु के शनि के साथ होने से सम्बन्ध होने के बाद एक साथ फ़्रीज हो गये है,न तो जीवन साथी अपने लिये सम्बन्धो को तोड कर दूसरा ही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कर सकता है और न ही पति पत्नी जैसे सम्बन्धो को स्थापित कर सकता है। राहु मंगल जो छठे भाव मे है से राहु मंगल की शक्ति को लेकर इस शनि को पिघलाने की कोशिश मे है लेकिन सम्बन्ध पिघलाने के लिये नीची हरकतो को करना उत्तेजना मे आकर गाली गलौज करना आदि कारण भी मिलते है।
जातिका जन्म दिनांक 28 अगस्त 1983 समय रात को 08:20 स्थान वाराणसी के पास का है। जातिका की कुंडली मीन लगन की है,लगनेश गुरु नवे भाव मे केतु के साथ है।पंचमेश चन्द्रमा दूसरे भाव मे है राहु तीसरे भाव मे है पंचम भाव मे मंगल नीच का है और मंगल चन्द्र का परिवर्तन योग भी है। तीसरे और अष्टम भाव का मालिक शुक्र छठे भाव मे वक्री है,शुक्र नीच का है लेकिन वक्री होने के कारण उच्च का हो गया है। छठे भाव के मालिक सूर्य छठे भाव मे ही है,बुध जो सुख और सप्तम का मालिक है सप्तम मे ही विराजमान है,उच्च का शनि अष्टम भाव मे है,जो लाभ और व्यय दोनो भावों का मालिक है,तुला राशि का होने के कारण उच्च का भी है। यह शनि भी पति के शनि के बराबर का प्रभाव पैदा करता है और इस शनि से काम लेने के लिये पंचम का मंगल जातिका के शनि को नीच हरकत से कन्ट्रोल करने के लिये भी माना जाता है और परिवर्तन योग के कारण चन्द्रमा मंगल के साथ मिलकर जातिका के लिये खतरनाक भी बन सकते है। पति भाव का बुध जीवन के राज खोल देने के लिये माना जाता है,कारण बुध जब भी सप्तम मे कन्या राशि का होता है तो पति या पत्नी के लिये धोखा देने वाले कारणो को पैदा करता है,आजीवन गोल मोल बाते करने के बाद जीवन को निकालने का क्रम जारी रहता है,बुध से बारहवे भाव मे सूर्य और वक्री शुक्र के होने से पति भाव की सोच अलावा स्त्रियों मे होती है और वह रुचि केवल धन और शाही शान शौकत तक ही सीमित होती है।
जातिका की कुंडली के अनुसार दूसरे भाव का चन्द्रमा दूसरी शादी के लिये अपना बल दे रहा है.
जातिका की कुंडली के अनुसार तुला का शनि दूसरी शादी करने का बल दे रहा है.
जातिका की कुंडली मे गुरु जो केतु के साथ विद्यमान है जातिका के अन्दरूनी सम्बन्धो के मामले मे अपनी गणना को बता रहा है,यही कारण जातिका को ऊपरी रूप मे चन्द्रमा अन्दरूनी सम्बन्धो को परखने के बाद अपने को बचा रहा है.
जातिका के पति की कुंडली के अनुसार सप्तम का सूर्य दूसरी शादी के लिये अपना बल दे रहा है.
जातिका के पति की कुंडली में राहु की शक्ति से पूर्ण मंगल चन्द्रमा पर अपने प्रभाव को दे रहा है चन्द्रमा का तुला राशि का होना और न्याय शिक्षा आदि के क्षेत्र मे होने से दूसरे सम्बन्ध को बनाने के लिये अपने बल को दे रहा है।
पति पत्नी दोनो की कुंडली मे नीच का मंगल ही जिम्मेदार माना जा सकता है,यह मंगल राहु की युति लेकर खूनी होली भी खेल सकता है,पति और उसकी माता जातिका को चन्द्र मंगल के परिवर्तन योग के कारण जलाकर भी मार सकती है,जातिका के साथ कोई हादसा जो वाहन से भी हो सकता है का कारण भी बन सकता है जातिका को अस्पताली कारणो से ह्रदय आघात या लो ब्लड प्रेसर के कारण दिक्कत भी आ सकती है।
इस ग्रह युति का उपाय है मंगल शनि  को ठीक करने से है 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

राशियां और उनके उपाय (मेष)

लालकिताबी उपाय बहुत ही सटीक और कारगर होते है,इन्हे करते रहने से जीवन मे आने वाली बाधायें पनप नही पाती है और जीवन सुचारु रूप से चलता रहता है। मेष राशि वालो के लिये जो उपाय बताये गये है वे इस प्रकार से है - सबसे पहला उपाय है कि किसी से भी कोई वस्तु मुफ़्त मे नही ले,इस उपाय का कारण है कि मुफ़्त मे मिलने वाला माल आठवें भाव का होता है और मेष राशि के लिये इस भाव मे बद मंगल की वृश्चिक राशि आती है,इस राहु का प्रभाव शमशानी होता है जितना माल मुफ़्त का लिया जायेगा उतना ही जातक को प्रभाव शमशानी मिलता जायेगा उसे बार बार अस्पतालो मे जाकर इलाज करवाना पडेगा घर के ही लोग उसके दुश्मन बनते जायेंगे वह किसी भी बात मे रिस्क लेने से घबडाने लगेगा और जीवन एक प्रकार से लगातार गिरता ही जायेगा। दूसरा उपाय है कि जातक किसी भी प्रकार से हड्डी सींग और जानवरों के अवयवो से बने सामान को प्रयोग नही करे इसका कारण है कि मेष राशि के लिये केतु हमेशा ही खतरनाक है कभी भी केतु इस राशि वालो को कोई फ़ायदा नही देता है कारण इस राशि का स्वामी मंगल होता है और मंगल तथा केतु मे कभी बनती नही है जब भी जातक इस प्रकार की वस्तुओं का इस्तेमाल करेगा उसकी गुस्सा बढती जायेगी और तकनीकी कामो के अन्दर अथवा किसी प्रकार की रक्षा सेवा जैसे कामो मे उसे केतु की उपस्थिति से बने हुये काम के अन्दर बिगाड ही मिलेगा। इसी प्रकार से कहा जाता है कि इस राशि वाले अगर कोई लाल रंग का रूमाल या कपडा अपने पास रखे तो उन्हे काफ़ी सहूलियत रहती है इसका भी कारण है कि लाल रंग का रूप मंगल के लिये माना गया है और मंगल की उपस्थिति से जातक की बुद्धि तकनीकी बनी रहती है उसे कोई भी अपनी शनि वाली चालाकी से परेशान नही कर सकता है। एक उपाय यह भी कहा गया है कि दिन छुपने के बाद जातक गेंहू से बने खाद्य पदार्थ जिनके अन्दर गुड या शक्कर का उपयोग किया गया हो बच्चो में बांटे इसका कारण है कि मेष राशि का प्रभाव दिन के उजाले मे अधिक रहता है रात को यह प्रभाव मंगल का राख मे छुपी आग की तरह से हो जाता है,गेंहू सूर्य के लिये प्रयोग किया जाता है और मीठी चीज मंगल के लिये प्रयोग मे लायी जाती है,दोनो को केतु यानी बच्चो में बांटने से जातक की प्रसिद्धि भी बढती है और जो साधन उसे रात के अन्धेरे मे काम करने के लिये जरूरी होते है या रक्षा के लिये जरूरी होते है वह उसे मिलते जाते है कभी कभी जातक को बिना सोचे काम करने की आदत पड जाती है जिसके कारण जातक बहुत ही घाटा उठा जाता है या किसी काम को पूरा नही कर पाता है उसके लिये भी यह उपाय जातक को फ़लीभूत करता है। यह उपाय मैने यानी रामेंद्र सिंह भदौरिया ने कई बार लोगो को बताये है और उन्हे तरक्की मिली है इस लिये यह उपाय परीक्षित है। इस राशि वालो को बायें हाथ में सूर्य वाली उंगली मे चांदी का छल्ला धारण करना भी जरूरी होता है कारण जातक के अष्टम मे वृश्चिक राशि होने से और गोचर से केतु के प्रभाव से जातक को पेशाब वाली बीमारिया हो जाती है चांदी का छल्ला अनामिका मे पहिने जाने से एक प्रकार की नश का कन्ट्रोल होना हो जाता है और पेशाब वाली बीमारियों से राहत मिलती है। अपने केतु को पहिचानने के लिये आप मेरी बेवसाइट आस्ट्रोभदौरिया डाट काम पर अपना प्रश्न भेज सकते है। इस राशि वालो को साधु संतो और मां और गुरु की सेवा करनी भी जरूरी होती इसका कारण है कि साधु और संत केतु की श्रेणी मे गिने जाते है और गुरु भाग्य का मालिक होता है उनकी सेवा करने से केतु का प्रभाव बारहवे भाव मे चला जाता है और जातक को बडे नाम के साथ साथ भाग्य मे भी बढोत्तरी होती रहती है इसी प्रकार से मेष राशि के चौथे भाव का मालिक चन्द्रमा होता है और चन्द्रमा को माता के रूप मे देखा जाता है अगर जातक अपनी माता का आदर करता रहता है तो जातक को मानसिक शांति रहने वाले स्थान की प्राप्ति वाहन आदि की दिक्कत नही होती है साथ ही मन जब शांत होता है तो सभी काम होते रहते है। इस राशि वालो के लिये यह भी कहा गया है कि वे काले काने और अपाहिज लोगों की सेवा दूसरे से करवाते रहे खुद नही करे कारण यह तीनो श्रेणी के लोग अपने कर्मो से ही शनि की सजा भुगत रहे होते है और उनकी सहायता अपने से करने पर उनके प्रभाव खुद इस राशि वालो पर आजाते है जैसे अपंग को देखकर अपंगता को महसूस करना और एक आंख वाले को देखकर अपने को भी एक आंख का दर्द महसूस करना आदि,इस राशि वालो के लिये कहा गया है कि वे किसी भी प्रकार से मीठी वस्तुओ का व्यापार नही करे इसका कारण है कि वे अगर मीठी चीजो का व्यापार करते है तो वह मीठी चीजो को जलायेंगे और जलाने से मंगल बद हो जायेगा जो तरह तरह के कारण पैदा कर देगा। घर मे जहां भी जगह हो वहां पर नीम का पेड लगाने की बात भी की जाती है इसका कारण नीम का पेड मंगल का होता है और नीम का पेड घर मे होने पर वायु रोगो को दूर करने के लिये काफ़ी होती है। सबसे बडा उपाय जो इस राशि वालो के लिये कहा गया है उसके अन्दर सदाचार से रहने का कारण भी बताया गया है यानी इस राशि के लोग अगर सम्बन्धो के मामले मे अपने को भटकाये रहते है तो उन पर केतु की सवारी मानी जाती है और जो औकात उनकी होनी चाहिये वह नही रह पाती है वे केवल भटकते हुये कुत्ते के माफ़िक ही रह जाते  है जो लोग उनसे विश्वास करने के बाद फ़ायदा देने वाले होते है उनका विश्वास उनसे हट गया होता है। इस राशि वालो के लिये यह भी कहा गया है कि रात को सोते समय अपने सिरहाने पानी का गिलास रखे और सुबह को उठकर उसे गमले मे या किसी पेड मे डाल दें,इस का कारण यह भी चन्द्रमा सिर के पास होने से जो भी अला बला होती है वह पानी के अन्दर ही रह जाती है शरीर मे प्रवेश नही कर पाती है। जब भी घर मे इस राशि वालो को पुत्र जन्म की खुशी होती है उस समय जातक को घर मे मीठी चीज की जगह पर नमकीन चीजो को ही बांट्ना ठीक होता है कारण जातक का पुत्र सूर्य की सिंह राशि के असर का होता है और सूर्य और मंगल को मिलाने से जातक के पुत्र को दिक्कत हो जाती है इसलिये सूर्य की नमकीन चीजे ही बांट्ना ठीक होता है। जब भी बहिन बुआ बेटी के पास जाना हो तो इस राशि वालो को उपहार मे मीठी चीज जरूर उपहार मे देना होता है इसका कारण भी है इस राशि वाले अक्सर अपने जीवन मे कमन्यूकेशन के मामले मे कडक होते है और किसी से भी कडी जुबान मे बात करने के कारण अक्सर अकेले ही रह जाते है मिठाई बांटने से उनकी कडक आदत मे कुछ सुधार भी होता है और बहिन बुआ बेटी के लिये मंगल रक्षा के लिये भी अपनी शक्ति को प्रदान करने लगता है। इस राशि वालो को विधवा स्त्री से कभी भी पंगा नही लेना चाहिये कारण विधवा स्त्री की जुबान पर राहु के होने से वह जो भी बददुआ देगी वह पूरी हो जायेगी इसलिये जहां भी कोई कारण विधवा स्त्री से जूझने का आये तो दूर हो जाना ही ठीक होता है।

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Capricorn's Moon in 2nd House.

The lord of seventh house of Capricorn is Moon. If Moon has place in 2nd house, it means the Jataka has two relations at a time. But relations only makes emotional path for Jataka, Not any type worldly nature possible with with this Moon. The house of money and physical wealth belongs to 2nd house, and Moon only want physical wealth, and emotionally connection with Jataka. Moon's conductivities with 8th house,and this house only show about fill desire of sex by the cost of money, when Jataka stop money providing to Moon, the Moon stop activities of body pleasure to Jataka. Moon also describe the emotional relations with olde age female. The relation of Moon here mother of elder brother's wife. Illegal relations with a person who is mother in law of elder brother. Moon has relation to Mars of 8th house, here Moon always want money by the sexual relations with Mars, after fifth Jupiter if Mars in fourth house it means Jataka living with four brothers and after Jupiter Mercury saying that Jataka has one elder sister too.

Rahu in 11th house and Moon has place fourth from Rahu. Rahu is the birth creator of Moon, and saying birth of Moon from a place that leave by Moon for always. From Moon in fourth house Jupiter, Retrograde Venus Ketu Sun having place. It means Moon having two sons and four daughters, Venus is the first daughter, that return from her in law's house and living near moon's house.second daughter is mercury and living in same place of first daughter's house.Third daughter living in same city of Moon and fourth daughter's marriage seeing in south east corner of city, and husband of fourth daughter having four brother more. Husband of fourth daughter is third from his brother and fourth from his sister and brother.

Retrograde Saturn has place 8th from Moon, it means infection seeing in private part of Moon, Mars from Moon in 7th saying that hospital and operations created with private part and Moon has high infected disease that can dangerous for Moon.Reason of death of Moon seeing by the infection of private part. and when Saturn will leave retrograde position that time death of Moon sure seeing.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Rahu with Sun

Rahu & Sun (Only son near the sea)
The influence of Rahu to the Sun indicates an evolutionary urge to develop the personality, individuality, creative will and expression. The native is generally self-willed and appears magnetic, powerful and confident. What the native actually feels, however, is entirely different.

They generally feel very insecure and not stable or grounded in themselves. The expression of confidence and power is what they hope to realize, which only happens when they become secure in their individuality.

The native projects strength and power, though experiencing doubts and lack of confidence in an attempt to compensate for their weakness. This can never result in their really feeling confident and the result is a breakdown of all that they thought was important to their self-development, in other words an identity crisis.

The urge to develop their creative will causes them to look upon everything that comes their way as an opportunity to manifest their goals or desires. In natives exhibiting self-centered tendencies this may create a personality that believes that everybody else is there for them.

Generally the native has not had his masculine side validated for the qualities that are true to ones self, one's svadharma. This causes inner frustration and turmoil with regards to what one's focus and purpose in life is. Not feeling confident and secure in one's svadharma creates stagnation of the best sides of oneself.

Oftentimes the native has had a role placed upon him that was not true to his nature but instead an ideal someone else had for him. This ideal often includes some concept that the native is better than others are or special. This helps to reinforce an expression of confidence and strength over the insecure core of their self and individuality.

In time the native gains opportunities to develop their personalities along their natural lines and to learn that they are no different, better or worse than others, but only different in the roles they play. It usually takes them a long time to feel secure and comfortable with themselves and their place in life.

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Rahu with Moon

The influence of Rahu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) results in some weakness in the mind that is in need of strengthening. This is generally the result of the mind not being centered in the heart, instead being centered externally or remaining unfocused. When the mind is centered externally there is discontent and depression that comes from the lack of fulfillment the world has to offer. When the mind remains unfocused there is a higher degree of psychic disorders, and/or a lack of clarity and concentration. Rahu influencing the Moon may give heightened psychic sensitivity but usually this is also accompanied by a weakness that make the native more sensitive to psychic disorders.
     Other weakness of the mind caused by Rahu may be various types of mental derangement, but for any serious difficulties other malefic influences must also be indicated. In the horoscopes of natives with strong spiritual tendencies, Rahu influencing the Moon may give strong attunement.
     The discontent that Rahu casts upon the Moon is also a cause of addictions. Addictions also serve to make the mind unfocused, which results again in psychic disorders. Rahu may also give a tendency to live in the imagination, in the realm of fantasy, wishes and hopes, which ultimately lead to discontent and depression because in the end the native still lives in the real world.
     In female natives the conjunction of the Moon with Rahu creates a strong feminine magnetism, and a strong emotional transparency that is attractive to men. However, the woman herself feels ungrounded and insecure and is usually not emotionally healthy enough to enjoy a relationship.
     The need for the native, when Rahu is influencing the Moon is to learn to keep the mind anchored in the heart, the one place of true satisfaction for it. With natives having spiritual tendencies this is an eventual possibility.

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Ketu with Sun Moon Venus Jupiter

KETU/JUPITER: The influence of Ketu on Jupiter indicates a native with some deeper spiritual attachments, ideals, or devotion. Living a life of ideals, spirituality, etc. in the past incarnations has resulted in the ego experiencing a heightened degree of security in the world. Ketu's job as liberator is to now free the ego from any attachment to living a life of ideals. This almost always results in the native at some point in life finding himself in some circumstance that prevents them living out their idealistic nature. This generally creates guilt, self-blame, and self-criticism that may be fed by the blame and criticism of others as well. These events serve to free the native from any attachments to doing good, which otherwise could impair one's spiritual growth. The conjunction to Jupiter appears significantly more powerful in this respect.
     The influence of Ketu on Jupiter indicating the native having attempted to gain security in recent past lives due to their belief system may also create a huge need to see their beliefs manifested fully in this life. This need is never met, which causes the native to doubt their beliefs. This creates room fore the native to advance their understanding, though they are generally not inclined to advance their understanding until circumstances force them to.
     Ketu, though a malefic, is beneficial for the spiritual life, thus Jupiter influenced by Ketu also tends to deepen one's insight, knowledge, and spiritual devotion and generally indicates a spiritual or philosophical person of some sort.

KETU/VENUS: The influence of Ketu on Venus indicates a nativity that has developed great tact and diplomacy when dealing with all mundane affairs of life as well as having enjoyed much of the pleasures the world can afford. In this life the native experiences a general discontent with worldly delights, even though there is an initial expectation of fulfillment from these things. In a spiritual nativity this influence may be conducive to developing spiritual devotion.
     Venus is a planet of pride, under the influence of Ketu, humility is being developed and pride is never excessive.

KETU/MOON: The influence of Ketu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) indicates a deeper, probing, mentality that generally suffers discontentment in the world. When Ketu influences the Moon, the mentality is not so superficial as to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the world. The mind is always looking deeper, beneath the surface, and thus there is always a nagging discontent and questioning. This creates an introverted mindset, which in a spiritual nativity is conducive to spiritual practices. In other nativities, this may cause introversions and frustrations that may have violent or explosive eruptions. Generally it is found that natives with Ketu influencing the Moon have an interest in psychology.
     Another noticeable trait of Ketu's influence to the Moon is to make the native very emotionally controlled and rigid. When they are in a negative mood, there is not a lot anyone can do to cheer them up, they pretty much have to suffer through the mood, after which they will get up feeling just fine. In fact the depths of their moods rarely correlate to what brought the mood upon them. There will usually be associated sub-conscious and past life feelings stirred up by that which triggers the mood. After the mood, the native will appear as balanced and controlled as usual, but one of the reasons the moods are so severe is that the natives do not flow with, and reveal, their feelings, until a buildup has occurred, and then the deep mood. These natives also have an ability to cheer anyone out of a mood; this is due to their ability to not let any feelings come through except those that they want to reveal.
     In recent past lives, those with Ketu influencing the Moon have established a level of security and safety in the world by controlling their reactions to the many painful things in life. Controlling is one thing, feeling is another, so there is usually some pent-up pain in the native that is released when a mood is triggered. The developmental goal is to purge the mind from subconscious pain, remorse, regret, etc. and to develop a spiritualized mentality that truly remains at peace amidst the varying conditions and reactions of life, rather than a mentality that controls the feelings and reactions.

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5th Rahu 7th Ketu in Cancer Sign

KETU IN THE 11TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 5TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 11th house indicates that the native has experienced happiness through fulfilling their goals and realizing their desires. There has generally been an excess of external living as well as dependence upon peers of like-minded individuals to provide security. In this lifetime Ketu gives a growing discontent with these things and a tendency to get involved with groups that do not provide the expected happiness which leaves the native less enthusiastic about their involvement.
     Rahu in the 5th house indicates mental disquiet and the need for the native to focus on what they, themselves, are inspired towards. Generally, the native has some confusion about what they are inspired towards, and the result is generally a discontented mentality. If Rahu is causing a raja yoga, however, the native may be incredibly focused and creative. There is particularly a need for the native to validate themselves for their activities and to express what they are inspired to express for its own sake rather than for the sake of acceptance or validation by others. Rahu here often forces this by creating a loss of dignity.

KETU IN TAURUS, RAHU IN SCORPIO: Ketu in Taurus indicates that the native in recent past lives has attempted to create security by being secure in the material world, this usually means through wealth and practical resourcefulness. Identifying with these has provided security and stability in a world that is not entirely so. In this lifetime Ketu indicates a growing discontentment with materiality, as well as a tendency to disrupt any material structures of security, and in so doing the evolutionary goal of Ketu to free the native from material attachments is accomplished. Ketu in Taurus also indicates that the native is completing their karmas with respect to those material things that have provided security. Those things being indicated by the house position of Ketu as well as the planets influenced by Ketu.
    Rahu in Scorpio indicates incredibly strong needs, needs that are not fulfilled by any security that the physical world has to offer. This may cause the native to compulsively feed of something that appears to fulfill a need, but when it is seen that this need is not fulfilled, another is sought. As long as the native is attempting to fulfill their needs through any physical manifestation, they will find themselves feeling empty and unfulfilled. As they are able to gain more inner security, they become capable of greater happiness.
     Ketu in Taurus also indicates strong material attachments formed in recent past lives, while Rahu in Scorpio indicates the transmutation of these attachments as a result of experiencing a lack of security.
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Prashna Kundli as per Vedic Astrology

Lagna lord in the 7th: If an evil Graha, the wife will not live. If an auspicious Graha, one will roam about or be poor or indifferent or even a king.

2nd lord in the 11th: Fully endowed with all gains, high in assemblies, esteemed and praised by people. Government services possible friends supports in money matters father and son makes good for the society.

3RD LORD: If the 3rd lord is in the 12th house, the native will spend on evil deeds, will have a wicked father and will be fortunate through a female.Spent time with religious activities gains through postal department high interest in walking or making journey in places those famous in culture.Very good writer and can make prediction of astrology or can write paranormal strength.Always makes expanses in outer activities short loan always live.

4TH LORD: If the 4th lord is in the 11th house, the native will have fear of secret disease; he will be liberal, virtuous, charitable, and helpful to others.Living in gains area emotional friends make support.

5TH LORD: If the 5th lord is in the 2nd house, the native will have many sons and wealth, be a pater familiars, honorable, attached to his spouse, and famous in the world.Can acquire money quick in mean time.Political support always. 

6TH LORD: If the 6th lord is in the 11th house, the native will gain wealth through his enemies, be virtuous, adventurous, and will be somewhat bereft of progenitor happiness.Can find money or position by the loan matters can make good work for hospitals and can support to his/her friends in ill time.

7TH LORD: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd house, the native will face loss of children and sometimes, with great difficulty, there will exist a living son. There is also the possibility of birth of a daughter (who will sustain)personality always good with spouse service in media postal services or in news paper. If male many female relations possible and if female then choice with cosmetic things can sing can dance and can change face expression as per time's situations.
8TH LORD: If the 8th lord is in the 3rd house, the native will be devoid of fraternal happiness, be indolent, and devoid of servants and strength.
9TH LORD: If the 9th lord is in the 11th house, the native will enjoy financial gains day by day, be devoted to elders, virtuous, and meritorious in acts.

10TH LORD: If the 10th lord is in the 2nd house, the native will be wealthy, virtuous, honored by the king, charitable, and will enjoy happiness from father and others.

11TH LORD: If the 11th lord is in the 11th house, the native will gain in all his undertakings while his learning and happiness will be on the increase day by day.

12TH LORD: If the 12th lord is in the 12th house, the native will only face heavy expenditure, will-not have physical happiness, be irritable and spiteful.

"The person born in Cancer lagna will have sumptuous meals, clothing and jewels, a soft voice, and a mind inclined to fraud, but will be virtuous in acts. They are bulky and take delight in dwelling in the mansions of other people." -Jataka Parijata

Moon, or Lagna, in Cancer according to Brihat Jataka: "The individual is in the habit of going fast and his body is not straight, it is somewhat crooked, his hips are elevated, he is completely under the grasp of his wife and other women. He is a good friend and astrologer. He possesses a good many houses and there are many ups and downs in his wealth like the wanings and waxings of the Moon. He is of short stature, his neck is broad. He can be brought over by sweet words, he loves his friends very much and is found engaged in making tanks and gardens that he likes."

Sravana: One is prosperous and fortunate, versed in the Vedas, with a noble and distinguished wife, wealth and fame.

MOON IN CAPRICORN: The individual always cherishes and supports his wife and children, but is a hypocrite in religion. The lower half of his body is lean and thin. His eyes are nice and graceful and his waist is slender. He is open to advice, and has a very retentive memory; he is fortunate but idle. He is unable to bear cold and is prone to travel. He is strong and liberal, and composer of literary works.  He is covetous and holds illicit intercourse with tabooed old women  (of low caste). He is shameless and heartless.

SUN IN TAURUS: The individual born will earn his livelihood as a cloth merchant, or will sell sweet scents and oils, or will become general merchant. He will dislike the company of his wife or other females and will be skilled in singing and music.

MARS IN LEO: One born under this combination will become poor and enduring, a wanderer in the forests, and will possess a few wives and children.

MERCURY IN GEMINI: The individual born under this combination will talk much (ironically), will become well versed in Sastras and fine arts, music, painting, singing, &c., will speak sweet words and will always be fond of ease and convenience.

JUPITER IN TAURUS OR LIBRA: The man born will possess a strong and vigorous body free from diseases, will always be in possession of wealth. He will have friends and sons and will be unselfish, charitable, and liked by all.

VENUS IN TAURUS OR LIBRA: The individual will earn money by one's own prowess or intellect, will be honored by kings, will be a head amongst his own friends and relations, and will become famous and fearless.

SATURN IN GEMINI OR VIRGO: The individual, will be shameless, miserable, poor, and a sonless person. The man will make mistakes in writing and painting, will be an illiterate, a jailer, or will become a chief of an assembly or a chief officer.

SUN: If the Sun is in the eleventh house, onee will become very wealthy.

MOON: If the Moon is in the seventh house, the native will be jealous of other's property and will be strongly passionate.

MARS: If Mars is in the second house, the native will eat very low and coarse meals.

MERCURY: If Mercury is in the remaining houses, the effects will be like the Sun. If the Sun is in the twelfth house, one will become a fallen and ruined man.

JUPITER : If Jupiter is in the eleventh house, the native will be profiting. 

VENUS: The results of the other houses are the same as those of Jupiter in those places. If Jupiter is in the eleventh house, the native will be profiting. 

SATURN: The results of the other houses are the same as those of the Sun. If the Sun occupies the third house, the native will become intelligent and powerful.

SUN: One with the Sun in the 11th will become very rich, will have amicable servants and be dear to the king.

MOON: Should the Moon be in the 7th, the native will be close to his wife, be a leading person in the king's employ and will be liberal.

MARS: The native who has Mars in the 2nd will have high incidence of expenses, a limb crippled, and be harsh in speech.

MERCURY: If Mercury is in the 12th, one will be cruel, unkind, and a spend thrift.

JUPITER: When Jupiter is in the 11th, the person will have gains from virtuous sources, become head of a treasury, principal member of his clan, and well versed.

VENUS: Venus in 11th,  gives superior knowledge, wealth, kindness, gains, and satisfaction. 

SATURN: If Saturn is in the 3rd, one will be brave, unkind, witty, and disrespected.

SUN-JUPITER: One will be virtuous, a minister of the king, will gain through friends, have a good mind and be a preceptor.

SUN-VENUS: One will be skillful in use of weapons, be mighty, weak-sighted in old age, able to amuse the public and will have abundant money earned through women.

JUPITER-VENUS: One will live by education and debates, will follow a highly virtuous path, will have an accurate conception or notion (of things), and will have a supreme wife.

SUN-JUPITER-VENUS: The native will be weak-sighted, bold, intelligent, indigent, a minister and devoted to others' works.
"The native who has three or more planets together in lagna, 10th or 9th, will engage himself in multifarious activities, have numerous good qualities, be extremely intelligent, and enjoy like a lord of wealth." -Hora Sara

SUN-JUPITER: If the Sun and Jupiter are in the lagna, 9th, 10th, or 11th house, then the  native has strong command and fame and will be inaccessible (i.e. he will be too big a person to be reached by all).

SUN-VENUS: The conjunction of the Sun and Venus in the 10th, 8th, or 5th house makes a person equal to a king, famous, and mighty. The conjunction of the Sun and Venus occurring in other houses will give only penury and unhappiness.

JUPITER-VENUS: If Jupiter and Venus join in the 1st, 5th, 9th, or 8th house, then the native will enjoy wife, wealth and sons. Should Jupiter and Venus be conjunct in other houses, one will be troubled by diseases and be sorrowful.

SUN IN VENUS' RASI ASPECTED BY: The Moon, one will be addicted to prostitutes, soft spoken, have many women as dependents, and will derive their livelihood through water.

MOON IN CAPRICORN ASPECTED BY: The Sun, one will be penniless, miserable, of wandering nature, interested in others' work, dirty and clever.

MOON IN CAPRICORN ASPECTED BY: Mars, one will enjoy abundant riches, is highly liberal, fortunate, wealthy, has conveyances and is brave.

MOON IN CAPRICORN ASPECTED BY: Jupiter, the native will be a king, incomparably brave, having royal qualities, and will possess many wives, children and friends.

MOON IN CAPRICORN ASPECTED BY: Venus, one will join others' wives, is endowed with wealth, ornaments, conveyances, garlands etc., is blameworthy and issueless.

MARS IN LEO ASPECTED BY: The Moon, the native will be ominous for his mother, intelligent, possessing a hard body, widely famous and one will obtain money through women.

MERCURY IN OWN RASI ASPECTED BY: Saturn, one will be progressive-minded, modest, achieving success in undertakings started by him, and wealthy with money and clothes.

JUPITER IN VENUS' RASI ASPECTED BY: The Moon, the native will be abundantly rich, very calm, sweet, dear to his mother and wife, and enjoying many pleasures.

VENUS IN OWN RASI ASPECTED BY: The Moon, one is born of an excellent mother, endowed with happiness, wealth, respect and sons, having great excellence and splendor.

SATURN IN MERCURY'S RASI ASPECTED BY: Mercury, one will be rich, skillful in war, a dance master, a skillful singer, and an expert in arts.
(You can find your answer through astrology)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Moon in Different houses

Moon is the satellite of Earth. Moon gives positive and negative strength to Earth from other Stars. There are two values of Moon,one positive makes slowly up to 15 days and one negative makes slowly up to 15 days. When a positive values of other star comes to Earth,and Moon has negative values it means the positive values converted in negative values,and if any star gives negative values to earth, and Moon has positive then the strength of star convert in positive through negative. It means Moon is responsible for making good to bad and bad to good.

By the relations Moon is mother from fourth house, teacher from fifth house also third sister from fifth house, in sixth house Moon has strength of relation like a aunt or like a maternal aunt. in seventh house gives results like a fraud life mate, in 8th house gives hard work and hidden knowledge ninth house makes gives values of luck but values convert quick good and quick bad. In tenth house Moon always care like a father but care by alone mother. Career also makes in public services. Elder sister in 11th house or emotional friend. In 12th house Moon makes much helps through paranormal strength, and care like a angle though sky.

Sun and Moon always in favor life long if Moon makes conductivities with cruel stars like Mars Rahu Sun from 6th 8th or from 12th then Sun also makes bad results to Moon. Mercury makes laughing nature of person, Mars makes bad nature by any type of results and with Venus Moon always in tension like a daughter in law and mother's nature. With Saturn Moon always act like a freezing water and with Rahu makes life long tension with ketu gives nature of helping people by the different kinds of work.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Karkat Lagana (Cancer Sign) Nature of House Lords.

Sun as 2nd Lord
     The Sun is crabs possessiveness, in fact they clean the beach of every item they can fit into their holes.
     The Sun, as the 2nd lord, gives the Cancer native a strong identification with their possessions, family, and name. It is holding onto these things that are responsible for the bulkiness of Cancer. As the 2nd lord, the Sun is a temporal neutral, as they may go about managing these things selfishly or righteously, depending upon the other factors influencing the Sun. As a natural malefic however, the Sun may separate them from things on account of developing a professional name, or on account of their family's status.

Moon as 1st Lord
     The Moon is the soft insides of the Crab.
     The Moon, as the lagna lord, indicates the Cancer native's emotionally centered, comforting, and changeable personality. How the native feels about herself is of extreme importance to those with Cancer lagna. Any insecurities will quickly lead to depressions and emotionally centered illnesses. As the Lagna lord, the Moon is a temporal benefic and generally allows them to find a place in life that is comforting and secure to them. If afflicted, then they will find it almost impossible to have any happiness in the world. As a natural benefic, the bright Moon tends to further their growth and success through gentle, patient care, and gives contentment, provided it is not afflicted. As a natural malefic, the dark Moon tends to cause some lack of caring for those external things and a more introverted nature, contentment will come from more inner processes, and less care will be taken to nurture external things, which, as a result, will not be as successful.

Mars as 5th and 10th Lord
     Mars is the powerful and tenacious claws of the Crab.
     Mars, as the 5th and 10th lord, represents the Cancer native's powerful discriminative mentality with which to guide their actions, and their mental tenacity. These cause "luck" to fall on their activities. Mars is a yogakaraka that gives a high degree of intelligence operating towards the benefit of their career. Mars provides them with strength derived from intuitive knowledge as well. Ruling the 5th and 10th house, Cancer will fight for their career, children and students. Mars is a temporal benefic and the best planet for the Cancer native. As a natural malefic, Mars may cause some conflict with those things that contradict what they rightly perceive they must do.

Mercury as 3rd and 12th Lord
     Mercury is the Crab's sideways movement and lack of vocal cords.
     Mercury ruling the house of ears and information, and the 12th house of hidden things, and being the planet of speech inclines the Cancer native towards secrecy in speech, also making it difficult for them to communicate clearly or fully. Ruling the 3rd house, Mercury makes them good listeners and they are always curious, but the 12th lordship keeps their response often hidden. Mercury becomes a temporal malefic, due to the 3rd house lordship, and gives them a cleverness with which to fulfill their desires, this will rarely be direct as the 12th house will always keep something unrevealed. As a natural benefic Mercury gives skills and a rational intelligence to further their goals. Mercury is particularly a planet of foreign travel, which Cancer represents, and indicates a talent for exploration and foreign trade.

Jupiter as 6th and 9th Lord
     Jupiter is the Crab's lack of aggressiveness.
     Jupiter, as the 6th house of enemies and the 9th house of the teacher and wisdom, gives Cancer a peaceful and forgiving attitude. This causes them to learn from their enemies and difficulties rather than to fight. Ruling the house of spiritual life and the house of work, Jupiter gives a capacity for Karma yoga. Jupiter also gives knowledge for overcoming difficulties and makes their hard work pay off with the gain of their fortune. Ruling the 6th house of enemies and the 9th house of father, Jupiter inclines them to have less attachment to the father, but since Jupiter is a benefic there will not be any trouble with the father, unless of course there are other afflictions indicating so. Jupiter rules one benefic house and one malefic house, but as its benefic house is the most powerful trine, Jupiter is a temporal benefic. As a natural benefic ruling the 6th house, Jupiter provides his grace sometimes freely but usually after effort is made.

Venus as 4th and 11th Lord
     Venus is the Crab's seashore, where he sits not alone, but with other crabs.
     Venus as the 4th and 11th lord represents the Cancer native's desire for luxury, particularly with respect to the home. Venus makes them socially active and inclines them to look for happiness with their peers. They tend to be proud of and love their titles, home, mother, associations, and ancestry. Venus becomes a temporal malefic due to ruling the 11th house, and indicates those external things the native may desire in order to feel inwardly fulfilled. As a natural benefic however, Venus gives them a social grace that gains them what they need.

Saturn as 7th and 8th Lord
     Saturn is the Crab's shell.
     Ruling the 8th house of vulnerability and the 7th house of partners, Saturn brings out a lot of insecurities and codependence in the Cancer native. In order to protect oneself Saturn will put up a wall of protection that may manifest as coldness or indifference until trust has been developed. Saturn, by ruling the 7th house, indicates that relationships will get better as one ages and becomes more secure, and therefore more capable of trusting. Being a planet of lack and ruling the partner and the partner's resources, Saturn generally indicates that a lot of struggles will be required to make a relationship improve the quality of life. It may, however, give financial gain due to marriage, but usually as the result of the termination of the relationship or with a high emotional price attached. Saturn basically forces the native to get more secure as a result of relationships. Much of the Cancer native's karmas are worked out in partnerships or through chronic diseases that are the result of Saturn ruling the 8th house of chronic disease and being himself a disease producer. Diseases will always have an emotional link, since the 7th house being the 4th from the 4th also relates to the inner life as well as does the 8th house.
     With Saturn ruling two neutral houses one would expect him to be a temporal neutral, Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, however, states that a planet ruling the 8th house as well as the 7th house becomes extremely malefic. In some sense though, I think that Saturn for Cancer could almost be considered neutral, but since he creates needs arising out of fear, he behaves selfishly, but not willingly or consciously so, as do the 3rd and 11th lords. Ruling the 7th house, a maraka or death inflicting house, and the 8th house of death and longevity, and being himself the producer of death, Saturn is a powerful killer. Ruling the 8th house of crisis and breaks and as the natural significator of loss, Saturn is sure to cause difficult events.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Illness and Accident in life (Part Two)

The Moon in the 6th without benefic influence indicates eye disease or poor vision. (Check to see that the Moon has no benefic influence).

If Venus is in the 2nd or 12th with a malefic, one is either one-eyed or of poor vision.

If the lagna and 2nd lords are in a dusthana the native's eyesight is affected.

The Moon debilitated in the 6th or 12th under malefic influence indicates blindness.

The Lagna lord (and 2nd lord) with the Sun and Venus in the 6th, 8th or 12th indicates blindness.

The lord of the Lagna in conjunction with the Sun and Venus will make the native blind from his very birth.

The Moon in the 12th injures the left eye while the Sun in 12th injures the right eye, unless there is benefic aspect. (Check to see that there is no benefic aspect).

If Venus is in the 12th with a malefic the left eye will be afflicted.

When the Sun and the Moon occupy, one of them the 12th, and the other the 6th house, the native will be one-eyed and have a one eyed wife as well.

Venus and the Moon in a dusthana indicate night blindness.

Illness and Accedents in Life (Part One)

The Jupiter and lord of lagana if having place in 6th or 8th or in 12th house,it means person suffering by constipation or indigestion.Jupiter is the lord of air and lagana lord is the person, the area of constipation and indigestion if in sixth house it means by the no job, if in 8th house it means by the tension of life hospital or tension through money related to death reason, and if in 12th house it means tension from outer person, or by the paranormal strength.

If lagan lord is Mars, it means tension by the daily job no laborious jobs or cheating through banks finance etc if in sixth house, if in 8th house it means medicine making bad effects or any accident or falling in deep and down places. If in 12th house it means fear by the enemy or somebody hitting by abusing or by the force of police robber or by the higher positioned person from defense area, outer food also responsible for this type disease.

If the lagna lord and the Sun are in a dusthana one has danger from fire eyes trouble father's or son's illness troubles or political problems.

If the lagna lord and Venus are in a dusthana it will be consumption.

If any of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, in conjunction with the lagna lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native will suffer from some affliction or disease caused by a thief, low caste or an outcaste.

A planet in the 6th house afflicted gives trouble to the limb represented by the afflicted planet: The Moon- face or eyes.

If Venus and the lagna lord are in the 6th, 8th or 12th one will suffer from consumptive diseases.

If Venus or Mars are in the 2nd or 12th house, the native will suffer from ear troubles.

Mercury and Venus in the 12th lead to defective hearing in the left ear.

Rahu or Ketu in the 3rd house or with the 3rd lord may indicate deafness.

If the Moon full and Venus are both joined with their enemies the native will be deaf.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Astrology Yogas

Bheri "kettle drum" Yoga
Venus and the lagna lord in angles to Jupiter, and the 9th lord strong.
"One is lordly, of good birth, a king, famous, eminently heroic, long-lived, of great experience in the affairs of the world, exempt from diseases and danger, possessed of much wealth, lands, sons and wives, and enjoying much happiness on account of their virtuous lives."
    This yoga offers the protection, character, and merit of Jupiter, and the worldly wisdom and enjoyment of Venus, supported by the fortune and dharma of the 9th lord.

Gaja Kesari "elephant lion" Yoga
1.    Jupiter in an angle from the Moon, and joined or aspected by a benefic, avoiding at the same time debilitation, inimical rasi, or combustion.
2.    Jupiter in an angle from the Moon.
"One will be splendorous, wealthy, long-lived, energetic, renowned, intelligent, endowed with many laudable virtues, pleasing the king, and having great money and grains. One will destroy, like a lion, all his enemies and conquer everything by his own valor."

    This is a well-known yoga that indicates intelligence, a happy attitude, and protection from adversity. It is particularly noted for wealth, and the houses involved will indicate sources of wealth. The first version, requiring Jupiter to be under benefic influence and not in a bad dignity or combust, is much more significant and effective. In this case it is Jupiter that is the significant planet in the yoga and the planet that will give the greater rise, success and wealth. The version that is formed simply by Jupiter's placement on an angle from the Moon is very common, occurring in one out of three horoscopes and is not very significant by itself, though if Jupiter and/or the Moon are involved in other yogas their formation of this simple Gaja Kesari Yoga will be a contributing factor for success and wealth.

Kahala "large drum" Yoga
The 4th lord and Jupiter in mutual angles, while the lagna lord is strong.
"One will be learned, of high moral training, energetic, adventurous, handsome, charming, well-balanced, obedient, having the best pleasures of life, lording over a few villages, and endowed with a complete army consisting of chariots, elephants, horses, and infantry."

    This good placement of the 4th lord in reference to Jupiter in the first version of this yoga indicates a happy native who feels that their life has purpose and who is, therefore, energetic and inspired. .

Kahala "large drum" Yoga
The lords of the 4th and the 9th in angles to each other, and the lagna lord strong.
"One will be learned, of high moral training, energetic, adventurous, handsome, charming, well-balanced, obedient, having the best pleasures of life, lording over a few villages, and endowed with a complete army consisting of chariots, elephants, horses, and infantry."

    This good placement of the 4th lord in reference to the 9th lord in the first version of this yoga indicates a happy native who feels that their life has purpose and who is, therefore, energetic and inspired.

Sankha "conch shell" Yoga
The 5th and 6th lords in mutual angles, and the lagna lord strong.
"One will be endowed with wealth, spouse, sons, and land. Having a life of enjoyment, one is also kindly disposed, compassionate, propitious, intelligent, meritorious, beneficent, and long-lived. One has knowledge of the sacred scriptures, is well conducted, and may live one year after the tale of eighty is completed. One has the authority to discipline or to punish."

    The Sankha Yoga formed by the first condition of the 5th and 6th lords in mutual angles supports self-employment or authority and rids the native of performing service. It also indicates a healer or doctor very capable of removing disease in the event that other factors in the horoscope indicate a healer.

Chandra "Moon" Yoga
The 10th lord in an angle, trine, or 2nd from the Moon.
"One becomes a king having special kinds of gems, diamonds and jewels."

    This common yoga indicates the importance of the relationship between one's mind and one's karmas. The 10th lord in an angle, trine, or in the 2nd from the Moon indicates harmony between one's mind and karmas. The native's actions will correspond with their mentality and they will be more comfortable with their works. On the other hand, the 10th lord not in these places indicates a lack of harmony, or conflict in the case of the 10th lord being in the 6th or 8th from the Moon, between one's mind and karmas. In this case the natives actions don't necessarily correspond to their mentality, and they don't feel as comfortable with their works. This yoga, by itself, is not a very powerful success producer but it does exert an important influence upon the native's relationship to not only their career, but to all the deeds they are required to perform.

Budha Aditya "Mercury/Sun" Yoga
Mercury conjunct the Sun.
"One is highly intelligent, skillful, of good reputation, personal respect and surrounded by comforts and happiness."

    This is a simple and common yet important yoga. The house that the Sun and Mercury both fall in will be an area where the native will make progress through their skill, intelligence, productivity, and practicality. If Mercury is combust this yoga will still indicate skill, intelligence, etc., however, the results of a combust planet's avastha, Kopa- angry, will cause frustration to the house these planets fall in as well as to the houses that Mercury rules, so the happiness will be marred.

Kemadruma Yoga
If Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are not present, Kemadruma Yoga is formed.
"One born in Kemadruma Yoga, though born in a princely race, becomes obscure, inimically disposed, miserable, reproached; and bereft of intelligence and learning. Given to base ways and wickedly inclined, one falls from his religion. One is reduced to penury and perils, drudging as a menial and wandering, as well as being deprived of livelihood, wife, children, residence, robes, friends, food and drink. The native will suffer extreme difficulties, sickness and filthiness."

    Kemadruma Yogas are amongst the worse yogas that ruin a horoscope, making it difficult for the native to actualize anything of benefit in their lives. Amongst Kemadruma Yogas this one is perhaps the worst and one of the two of greatest importance. The Moon is a very fickle and unsteady planet that rules the mind. It is important that a planet besides the Sun, Rahu or Ketu is in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon in order to lend some firmness, stability and direction to the mind, which is necessary in order for the native to succeed with any vision that they may have. Failing this, the mind remains unanchored and becomes a source of trouble. Fortunately there are several factors that cancel this terrible form of Kemadruma Yoga, which are being given in order of significance:

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu in an angle (including the 1st) from the Moon.
    This is the most significant Kemadruma Yoga cancellation. The planet on an angle from the Moon serves to stabilize and focus the mind. A planet in the 4th or 10th from the Moon does this particularly and is the next best thing to having a planet in the 2nd or 12th. In fact similar effects as Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas are said to occur if the 4th and 10th houses from the Moon are occupied by any of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn, and some astrologers actually consider these yogas to be formed by planets in the 4th and 10th from the Moon, though they are not considered authoritative. These planets in the 4th and 10th house from the Moon will influence the native less than when in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon, but if there are none of these planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon, then any of these planets in the 4th or 10th become very significant and important.
    In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu, in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the rasi of the Moon's navamsa.
    As an example, if the Moon is in the navamsa of Aries, one of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Pisces or Taurus in the Rasi would cancel Kemadruma Yoga. Some sources actually consider the planets in the 2nd and 12th rasi from the Moon's navamsa to form Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas. These planets will, however, give somewhat lesser Lunar Yoga effects than planets that are actually placed in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon.
    In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

The Moon being full.
    In the event that the Moon is bright (when it is a benefic) the serious negativity of Kemadruma Yoga are avoided. The mind will be fickle and less focused than ideal, but it will not be so full of unfulfilled longings that it will completely disrupt life or not contribute to any growth.

Adhama "worst" Yoga
The Moon in an angle (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) from the Sun.
The native's wealth, intelligence, knowledge, and skill shall be little.

    These are important yogas that must be used correctly or else they will be misleading. A casual observation of only a few horoscopes will reveal that there are wealthy, intelligent, and knowledgeable personages with the Moon in an angle from the Sun, and those of lesser abilities and wealth born with the Moon in an apoklima from the Sun. These yogas obviously, therefore, do not impose a restriction upon the native's wealth or intelligence. The Moon gives growth of all things and the light of the Moon is dependent upon the Sun, therefore, the growth and realization of any productive yoga, whether one that grants success, wealth, marriage, children, or anything else, is dependent upon the Moon's placement from the Sun, which indicates the level of preparedness with which the native meets the fructification of a productive yoga. These three yogas are not meant to indicate the full measure of the native's wealth, intelligence and skill, but only to indicate the measure of wealth, intelligence and skill the native has upon the initiation of a productive yoga with which to bring the results of the yoga to fruition.
    When Adhama Yoga (worst yoga) is present, the Moon is in an angle from the Sun. The angles represent initiation and the beginning of an activity. Therefore, in horoscopes with the Moon in an angle from the Sun, the yogas, etc. are being freshly initiated, the result being the native's is not prepared for what is to transpire. Practically, the native does not have the wealth, education or skill, at the time of the initiation of a good yoga, required to smoothly bring the results of the yoga to fruition. The result is difficulty and stress as they prepare themselves and their life for the good effects of the yoga to come.

Following are a few important yogas from the book Core Yogas that Kala is not smart enough to find yet, but which are well worth checking for manually:
Kalpadruma "tree of plenty" Yoga
The lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, and the navamsa lord of the last must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
"One will be a pious, strong, and merciful king endowed with all kinds of wealth, and fond of war."

    This yoga further illustrates the concept of dispositors, including the navamsa dispositor. The more times a dispositor of a dispositor is well placed, the more auspicious the original planet in question becomes. Kalpadruma yoga, like Parijatha Yoga, helps the native to fulfill every desire.

Parijatha "celestial coral tree" Yoga
The dispositor of the lord of the lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor, must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
"One will be a sovereign attentive to their duty and engagements, of compassionate disposition, destined to be happy in the middle and latter portion of life, respected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war, and possessing elephants and horses."

    The Parijatha is a celestial tree that has the power to grant wishes. This yoga, therefore, helps the native to fulfill every desire. This yoga emphasizes the importance of the navamsa dispositor of a planet, which is just as important as its rasi dispositor.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

अष्टम में वृश्चिक राशि में मंगल केतु

जीव के पैदा होने के बाद से ही अन्तिम गति निर्धारित कर दी जाती है। वह जिस स्थान पर पैदा हुआ होता है उसी स्थान से उसकी मृत्यु वाली दूरी को तय कर दिया जाता है और निश्चित समय पर जीव उसी स्थान पर अपने जीवन के अन्तिम समय मे पहुंचता है तथा पैदा होने के समय मे निर्धारित कारण से उसे अन्तिम गति की प्राप्ति होती है। जीव के कर्म भी समय समय पर निश्चित किये गये होते है वह अपने समय के अनुसार कर्म करता है और पूर्व के संस्कारों से वह अपने मानसिक कारणो को पैदा भी करता है और उन्ही मानसिक कारणो की गति के अनुसार अच्छे या बुरे कर्म करने के बाद उसे उन्ही कर्मो के अनुसार फ़ल मिलता है। मेष राशि का स्वामी मंगल है और इस मंगल का स्थान अष्टम भाव मे केतु के साथ है,राहु भी इस राशि के दूसरे भाव मे अपने आप स्थापित हो जाता है। दसवे भाव मे गुरु का होना और बारहवे भाव मे बुध का होना छठे भाव मे चन्द्रमा का होना बारहवे भाव मे ही सूर्य का होना आदि बाते भी इस जातक के साथ है। जातक का जन्म पिता के साथ पशुओं की खरीद फ़रोख्त के समय मे पिता के निवास स्थान से दक्षिण दिशा मे वीराने मे होता है उसे पैदा होने के बाद केवल माता के दूध के अलावा और कोई भी कारण नही मिल पाते है,माता को पिता के द्वारा खरीदे गये पशु पर सवारी करने के बाद निश्चित दूरी तय करनी होती है। रात के समय मे स्थान मिलने पर विश्राम होता है जो भी भोजन मिलता है किया जाता है,नही मिलता है तो खरीदे गये पशुओं के दूध या उनके मांस से ही जीवन चलता है। जब पिता के पास धन की कमी होती है तो सस्ते महंगे दामो मे रास्ते मे ही पशु को बेच दिया जाता है और रास्ते का खर्चा पूरा किया जाता है। अधिकतर पशुओं को खरीद कर बेचने वाले लोग कसाई वृत्ति की श्रेणी मे गिने जाते है,और जो लोग पशुओं की खरीद बेच करवाने का काम करते है अक्सर उनकी औलाद या तो होती ही नही है और होती भी है तो वह अपने पिता माता को सुख नही देती है। इसी प्रकार से जो लोग पशुओं को स्वयं खरीद कर बेचने का काम करते है उनकी औलाद भी उसी काम को करने लगती है और उनके अन्दर से दया धर्म आदि सब दूर की बाते हो जाती है। वे केवल धन को कमाना जानते है और धन से अपने आसपास के माहौल मे एक प्रकार का परिवर्तन करने के बाद केवल यही चाहते है कि वे सभी पर राज करें,सभी उनकी बातो को माने और जो वे कहे वही बात सबसे अधिक उनके समाज मे मानी जाये,अक्सर इस बात को लेकर ऐसे लोगो के आपसी समाज मे लडाई झगडे भी होते है और वह लडाई झगडे खूनी लडाई से देखे जाते है,बंजारा जीवन जीने के कारण एक दूसरे का समुदाय काफ़ी दूर दूर होता है और जैसे ही खबर पहुंचती है कि अमुक व्यक्ति को अमुक समुदाय के लोगों ने मार दिया है तो वे अपनी बदले की भावना को लेकर हत्या करने वाले समुदाय के प्रति बिना किसी बात के किसी भी व्यक्ति को मारने से नही चूकते है उनके लिये खून का बदला खून से लेने तक ही सीमित होता है।
जातक अपनी माता के साथ अपने घर आजाता है वह भी जन्म के आठवे महिने मे उसके घर वाले उसके लिये जो भी संस्कार होते है करते है और समाज को आमिष भोजन के साथ जीमण आदि करवाया जाता है वक्त के साथ वह बडा होता है जो कार्य पिता के द्वारा किये जाते है उनके प्रति उसे अपने आप ही शिक्षा मिलती है उसे केवल इतना ही पता होता है कि अमुक प्रकार का पशु अमुक काम मे आता है और वह कितना अच्छा काम करता है या कितना उसका मांस के लिये वजन होता है उसी प्रकार से उसकी खरीद बेच की जाती है। जातक इन बातो को सीखता है और अपने जीवन मे माता पिता के साथ साथ धीरे धीरे सीखता है। समय पर शादी विवाह हो जाता है आगे की सन्तति चलने लगती है माता पिता का भी घर से दूर ही देहान्त होता है उनके शरीर की प्राप्ति भी जातक को नही हो पाती है जब तक वह अपने माता पिता के साथ चलने वाले पारिवारिक लोगो के पास पहुंचता है वे अन्य साथियों के द्वारा वीरान स्थान मे दफ़ना दिये गये होते है। केवल माता पिता के छोडे गये पशु ही उसे मिल पाते है वह उन पशुओं को जो साथ चलने वाले लोग होते है उन्हे जैसी भी कीमत मिलती है बेच कर अपने द्वारा चलाये गये समुदाय और पशुओं के बीच आजाता है और वह फ़िर से अपने काम मे लग जाता है।
अपने धन से अपने पिता के मकान आदि को बहुत अच्छी तरह से बनाता है और अपने पिता के नाम को ऊंचा करने के लिये अपनी पूरी मेहनत भी करता है समाज मे अच्छा नाम कमाता है और अपने व्यवसाय मे लगा होता है। दूसरे भाव का राहु अक्सर बिखरे हुये परिवार के बारे मे सूचित करता है लेकिन चौथा शनि हमेशा अपने पैतृक निवास पर ही अपनी साख बनाने के लिये जाना जाता है। बारहवा बुध जब भी वक्री होता है जातक को खरीद बेच का काम करने के लिये अपनी बुद्धि को प्रदान करता है अगर मार्गी है तो जातक पशुओं को खरीदता जाता है और वक्री है तो पशुओं को बेचता जाता है अस्त है तो वह एक स्थान पर काफ़ी समय के लिये रुक जाता है और जिस ग्रह के साथ बुध है उसी के अनुसार प्रकृति के जानवरो के खरीद बेच का काम करने के लिये जातक का दिमाग चलता है। दूसरा राहु अक्सर बहु विवाह या बहु सम्बन्ध बनाने के लिये भी जाना जाता है और जब भी जातक को मौका मिलता है तो दूसरे समुदाय की कन्या को धन और मूल्य आदि का प्रकार देकर प्राप्त कर लिया जाता है। इस प्रकार से जातक कई शादियां करता है सभी को उसी प्रकार से रखता है जैसे एक बकरियों के झुंड मे एक बकरे की हैसियत होती है।
मंगल केतु उम्र की आठवी साल मे घात करता है फ़िर बीस साल मे घात करता है अट्ठाइस साल मे घात करता है चालीस साल मे उसकी अन्तिम घात होती है अगर जातक के कोई सत्कर्म है तो वह बच जाता है अन्यथा चालीस साल की उम्र मे वह किसी न किसी प्रकार से मंगल केतु के हत्थे चढ ही जाता है। मेष राशि के इस मंगल और केतु की दिशा भी दक्षिण की होती है जब भी जातक दक्षिण की यात्रा करता है जातक को किसी न किसी प्रकार की जन हानि से जूझना पडता है। उम्र की आठवी साल मे जातक को सांप ने काटा था देशी दवाओं से बच गया बीसवी साल में उसे जहर दिया गया था लेकिन कुछ समय मे जहर के उपाय करने से वह बच गया था,अट्ठाइस साल मे पहली पत्नी के भाई ने घात से मारने की सोची थी लेकिन समय पर साथियों की सहायता मिलने से बच गया था। चालीसवी साल मे वह पशुओं की खरीद के लिये दक्षिण दिशा मे गया,और अकेला ही एक पहाडी के पार गांव से पशुओं की खरीद करने के लिये चला गया। रास्ते मे लौटते समय उसका पैर फ़िसला और वह लुढकता हुआ काफ़ी गहरी खाई मे चला गया,जहां पर साधारण आदमी की नजर नही जाती थी। उसके साथियों ने काफ़ी खोजा लेकिन नही मिला,एक दिन किसी व्यक्ति ने बताया कि अमुक स्थान पर एक लाश सडी गली अवस्था मे खाई मे पडी है,साथी गये तो दूर से ही देख कर रोने गाने लगे,उस लाश मे लाखों कीडे लगे हुये थे,मांस मे बजर बजर से अन्दर बाहर आजा रहे थे।
इस ग्रह युति से शिक्षा मिलती है कि जातक ने जीवो को जिस प्रकार से काटा था मारा था बेचा था उसी प्रकार से उसकी मौत भी आकस्मिक हुयी,जैसे उसने जीवो का भक्षण किया था और लोगो को करवाया था उसी प्रकार से उसके शरीर को कीडे खा रहे थे। अगर जातक अपने कर्मो को सुधार लेता वह इसी मंगल केतु की युति को वैद्य के रूप में प्रयोग मे लाकर लोगो की जान बचाने और दर्द मे राहत देने का काम करता तो जातक को ससम्मान समाज के आगे अन्तिम क्रिया की जाती और कालान्तर तक उसका नाम लिया जाता उसके जवानी मे मरने के कारण उसके द्वारा प्राप्त की गयी पत्नियां और किसी के आगोस मे नही जाती और बच्चे भी भटकने के लिये मजबूर नही होते।

वृश्चिक का सप्तम केतु और अष्टम का गुरु वक्री

वक्री गुरु के मामले मे मैने कई बार लिखा है इस बार भी आपको बता दूँ कि वक्री गुरु उस जीव के सामाजिक व्यवहारिक धार्मिक आदि सभी क्रिया कलापों को बदल कर दिखाने वाला होता है,पिता अगर अपने धर्म को लेकर चलने वाला होता है तो पुत्र जिसका वक्री गुरु होता है वह अपनी भावना मे धर्म को केवल अपनी स्वार्थ पूर्ति के लिये ही प्रयोग मे लेता है,पिता अगर किसी मन्दिर मे जाकर प्रार्थना करता है कि हे ! प्रभु आपकी शरण मे हूँ,आप ही रक्षा करना,तो पुत्र की कामना होगी कि हे प्रभु ! मेरे अमुक काम को पूरा कर दो,काम पूरा होते ही आपके मन्दिर मे वापस आऊंगा। यह सब केवल उन्ही कारणो के कारण होता है जिनके अन्दर सम्बन्ध और भौतिकता का बोलबाला होना होता है। एक साल मे तीन महिने के समय के लिये लगभग गुरु वक्री होता है और समाज मे एक चौथाई लोग इस वक्री गुरु के समय मे पैदा होकर समाज रिवाज नीति रीति से बिलग होकर चलने के लिये मजबूर होते है और इसी कारण से समाज के अन्दर विकृति भी पैदा होती है,विभिन्न प्रकार के बदलाव भी देखने को मिलते है।
अगर राहु लगन मे बैठ जाये और केतु सप्तम मे वृश्चिक राशि का होकर पुरुष की कुंडली मे हो तथा गुरु वक्री होकर स्वगृही चन्द्रमा के साथ अष्टम मे बैठ जाये तो समझ लेना चाहिये कि कुल का समाप्ति का समय आ गया है। वक्री गुरु अक्सर अपने प्रभाव के कारण जो भी कारण बनायेगा वह समाज नियम कानून आदि की तरफ़ जाने वाला नही होगा,जातक अपने बचपन मे इतना तेज हो जायेगा कि उसे कठिन से कठिन से कारण बहुत जल्दी याद हो जायेंगे जो बालक साल भर मे शिक्षा को पूरा करने मे अपनी बुद्धि को प्रयोग मे लायेगा वक्री गुरु वाला जातक उसी शिक्षा को तीन महिने मे पूरी करने के बाद आगे के क्लास मे जाने की युति बना लेगा। वह जिस जगह पर समाज मे धर्म मे पैदा हुआ है वह बाहर के कारणो मे अपने को बहुत ही आगे ले जाने वाला बन जायेगा और विदेशी भाषा संस्कृति तथा केवल शारीरिक सुख धन का सुख और अपने को दिखाने का सुख ही प्राप्त करने मे लगा रहेगा उसे अपने वंश चलाने या अपने कुल को बढाने मे कोई मतलब नही होगा। अगर पत्नी किसी कारण से मर्यादा वाली मिल जाती है तो जातक के सप्तम मे वृश्चिक के केतु के कारण काम सुख से पूर्ण नही हो पायेगी और उसे हिस्टीरिया जैसे रोग पैदा हो जायेंगे.धीरे धीरे जातक अपने पत्नी वाले माहौल से सामाजिक या कानूनी तौर पर दूर होने की कोशिश करेगा और जैसे ही दूर हुआ वह अपने समाज से बहुत दूर चला जायेगा।